Sewage Lift Station Questions & Answers

How do I set the Float Control?
Typical Float Switch Setting (PDF).
What is “Head Pressure” ?
Head is expressed in units of height such as meters or feet. The static head of a pump is the maximum height (pressure) it can deliver. The capability of the pump at a certain RPM can be read from its Q-H curve (flow vs. height). Head is equal to the fluid’s energy per unit weight. Length and diameter of force main, elevation change, gallons per minute being pumped, all are important in figuring head pressure.
What diameter of force main do I need?
Force mains are typically sized for 3-5 ft/sec.
What is a “Grinder Pump” and what are the benefits of a “Grinder Pump” ?
A grinder pump is a pump with a “grinding” mechanism, (much like a garbage disposal) that grinds the waste solids into a slurry. Therefore, your pump is not pumping any solids. Because you are not pumping solids, a smaller diameter force main may be used.
What is the difference in a “Non-Clog” sewage pump and a “Grinder Pump” ?
A Non-Clog pump is a pump that will “pass” a certain size solid, whereas a grinder pump grinds the solids into a slurry, and the pump does not have to pump any solids.
What is an “Influent Line” and why do you need to know the depth of the influent line?
Your influent line is the sewer line coming INTO the lift station from the house or building. How deep the influent line is buried below grade is important for many reasons. It must be below the frost line to prevent freezing. Also, the area below the influent line is how much room you have for storage of the sewage, and for pump operation. So, the depth of the basin is somewhat determined by the depth of the influent line.
What size of a basin do I need?
The amount of sewage needed to pump, the amount needed to store, the location of influent line, and number of people being served by lift station, all constitute how a basin is sized.
How do I know how many “Gallons Per Minute” I need to pump?
Gallons per minute is calculated generally, by the number of people that will be served by a sewer lift station. To size properly, we have to take into account peak flow, number of people on the system, or possibly even a fixture count.
What does a FRP basin Mean?
Fiberglass Reinforced Poly
What is the difference in a “Simplex Lift Station” and a “Duplex Lift Station” ?
A simplex lift station, or grinder pump lift station has one pump, and controls for one pump. Whereas a duplex system is set up with two pumps. In larger applications (large municipalities for instance), the lift station can even be designed with 3 or 4 pumps (Triplex or Qudraplex).
What are the benefits of having a “Duplex Lift Station” over a “Simplex Lift Station” ?
Since a duplex lift station has two pumps, the greatest benefit is that if a pump has mechanical problems and stops working, your second pump serves as a back-up pump. Also, with a duplex system, the pumps alternate between the two, so you get even wear on both pumps. In other words, one pump is not “doing all the work.”
How long should a pump work in a normal application before it wears out and needs to be replaced?
As with any mechanical product, some pumps will last longer than others. A lot depends on how much wear and tear is placed on the station. How much it is used, as well as how well the station is maintained.
What electrical service is required for the pumps in a lift station?
Most residential grinder and sewage lift stations will require 230 volt, 1ph. However, in larger applications (municipalities and industrial situations), 460 volt, 3 ph. are required. Most grinder pumps and non-clog pumps usually can be built in any combination of phase and voltage.

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